Carte Noire in Action

on under jekyll
8 minute read

Note - This article is a derivative of “See pixyll in action”, taken from the lovely jekyll theme pixyll.

All links are easy to locate and discern, yet don’t detract from the harmony of a paragraph. The same goes for italics and bold elements. Even the the strikeout works if for some reason you need to update your post. For consistency’s sake, The same goes for insertions, of course.

Code, with syntax highlighting

Code blocks use the peppermint theme.

class Awesome < ActiveRecord::Base
  include EvenMoreAwesome

  validates_presence_of :something
  validates :email, email_format: true

  def initialize(email, name = nil) = email = name
<!DOCTYPE html>

<style>body {width: 500px;}</style>

<script type="application/javascript">
  function $init() {return true;}

  <p checked class="title" id='title'>Title</p>
  <!-- here goes the rest of the page -->


/* Block comment */
package hello
import kotlin.collections.* // line comment

 * Doc comment here for `SomeClass`
 * @see Iterator#next()
@Deprecated("Deprecated class")
private class MyClass<out T : Iterable<T>>(var prop1 : Int) {
    fun foo(nullable : String?, r : Runnable, f : () -> Int, fl : FunctionLike, dyn: dynamic) {
        println("length\nis ${nullable?.length} \e")
        val ints = java.util.ArrayList<Int?>(2)
        ints[0] = 102 + f() + fl()
        val myFun = { -> "" };
        var ref = ints.size
        ints.lastIndex + globalCounter
        ints.forEach lit@ {
            if (it == null) return@lit
            println(it + ref)
        dyn.dynamicProp = 5
        val klass = MyClass::class
        val year =

    override fun hashCode(): Int {
        return super.hashCode() * 31

fun Int?.bar() {
    if (this != null) {
        println(message = toString())
    else {

var globalCounter : Int = 5
    get = field

abstract class Abstract {

object Obj

enum class E { A, B }

interface FunctionLike {
    operator fun invoke() = 1

typealias Predicate<T> = (T) -> Boolean
fun baz(p: Predicate<Int>) = p(42)


/* Block comment */
import java.util.Date;
 * Doc comment here for <code>SomeClass</code>
 * @param T type parameter
 * @see Math#sin(double)
@Annotation (name=value)
public class SomeClass<T extends Runnable> { // some comment
  private T field = null;
  private double unusedField = 12345.67890;
  private UnknownType anotherString = "Another\nStrin\g";
  public static int staticField = 0;
  public final int instanceFinalField = 0;

   * Semantic highlighting:
   * Generated spectrum to pick colors for local variables and parameters:
   *  Color#1 SC1.1 SC1.2 SC1.3 SC1.4 Color#2 SC2.1 SC2.2 SC2.3 SC2.4 Color#3
   *  Color#3 SC3.1 SC3.2 SC3.3 SC3.4 Color#4 SC4.1 SC4.2 SC4.3 SC4.4 Color#5
   * @param param1
   * @param reassignedParam
   * @param param2
   * @param param3
  public SomeClass(AnInterface param1, int[] reassignedParam,
                  int param2
                  int param3) {
    int reassignedValue = this.staticField + param2 + param3;
    long localVar1, localVar2, localVar3, localVar4;
    int localVar = "IntelliJ"; // Error, incompatible types
    System.out.println(anotherString + toString() + localVar);
    long time = Date.parse("1.2.3"); // Method is deprecated
    new Thread().countStackFrames(); // Method is deprecated and marked for removal
    reassignedValue ++;;
    new SomeClass() {
        int a = localVar;
    reassignedParam = new ArrayList<String>().toArray(new int[0]);
enum AnEnum { CONST1, CONST2 }
interface AnInterface {
  int CONSTANT = 2;
  void method();
abstract class SomeAbstractClass {


  // Line comments are not included in standard but nonetheless allowed.
  /* As well as block comments. */
  "the only keywords are": [true, false, null],
  "strings with": {
    "no excapes": "pseudopolinomiality"
    "valid escapes": "C-style\r\n and unicode\u0021",
    "illegal escapes": "\0377\x\"
  "some numbers": [


--- hello.c	2014-10-07 18:17:49.000000000 +0530
+++ hello_new.c	2014-10-07 18:17:54.000000000 +0530
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #include <stdio.h>

-int main() {
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 	printf("Hello World\n");
+	return 0;


-- DDL section
create table crm.product (
  id numeric primary key,
  title varchar(255) character set utf8
-- DML section
insert into product
  values (1, 'Product1');

select count(*) from crm.product;
select id as ProductID, title as ProductName
  from crm.product where id = :id;

\set content `cat data.txt`

Test title:

echo "Hello!"


They’re responsive, and well-proportioned (in padding, line-height, margin, and font-size).

They draw the perfect amount of attention

This allows your content to have the proper informational and contextual hierarchy. Yay.

There are lists, too

  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Potatoes
  • Milk
  1. Mow the lawn
  2. Feed the dog
  3. Dance

Images look great, too


Stylish blockquotes included

You can use the markdown quote syntax, > for simple quotes.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis porta mauris.

LaTeX support

The default math delimiters are $$. Hence $$ E = m \cdot c^2 $$ yields

And here’s something more fancy:

There’s more being added all the time

Checkout the Github repository to request, or add, features.

Happy writing.

demo, action, carte, noire
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